EV10: Day 45: Uusikaupunki to Turku
August 15, 2018 - 85 km
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The day started through the wet thawed morning woods - needless to say, Dani wasn’t too pleased with the little “shortcut” I had suggested. 🙄
We were quite confident with our progress, and had plenty of time to do the last 90km to Turku to reach the ferry boat to Sweden. We even chose to extend our route via the archipelago ring road.
However, right before our lunch break Dani’s derailleur hanger broke - in the middle of nowhere with 38 km to go. (For the non-bikers: this is one of the worst things that can break while bike touring, as every manufacturer uses their own design in many varieties, and it can be really difficult to find a replacement for a German bike abroad.) So I had to shorten the chain to convert Danis bike to a fixed gear, however I had some trouble getting the Shimano quick link fastened. After some time a Finish guy passing with his car stopped (thank you Parvo!!) and together we could get it done. He even offered to bring us to Turku, if all else fails - so very kind!
So I took a saddle bag off Dani and she now fought the rest of the hills with only one gear, and eventually we made it to Turku in time.
Quite worried that we can’t find the right spare parts in Stockholm.
As soon as our heads hit the mattress, we fell into a sound sleep.
Overnight Stay
We slept on the M/S Viking Grace.

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