EV10: Day 6: Zabenstedt to Wittenberg
July 07, 2018 - 111 km
Instagram post:
_#day6: rode from the Saale river to the next (but last) Luther-City. It felt so hot this day that I had decided to deviate a bit from my planned route, in order to spend the night at a camping site on a swimming lake a little south of Wittenberg. However, the roads of my detour to get there were quite terrible: in the countryside over miles and miles there are cobblestone highways. Now it seems clear to me that Hitler (who apparently put them there in the first place) must have hated cyclists as well.
My new route led me through Gräfenhainichen - however, it turned out that there was a gigantic Hip Hop festival going on and I therefore couldn’t pass through along the regular cycling route. So I had to find a detour, which turned out to be a little tricky.
Then I got to the camp site at the lake, which was WAY two crowded for my taste, so I decided to go on to Wittenberg.
Wittenberg is a really pretty town, unfortunately I didn’t have to much time to explore it in-depth. I had dinner at a restaurant before heading to my designated shelter for the night - which, as it turned out wasn’t a shelter after all, bit a simple picnick table. :facepalm: So I had to improvise and put up my hammock in the woods. #cycle2finland #deutschlandperrad #111km #660hm
I slept here.

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