EV6: Day 28: Calarsi 🇷🇴 to Constanta 🇷🇴
This was the last day on a bicycle - and this was one of the more challenging days.
Originally I had planned to cycle in the plain of the Danube delta to reach Constanta. However, there is no way to cross the bridges across the Danube between Festesi and Cernavoda, so I had to cross the Danube using the ferry from Calarsi to Silistra. The price was only 5 RON equallying about 1 €.
On the south side of the danube I had to climb four bigger ascents totaling 1300 hm, but overall it wasn’t so steep and I coped with them easily. However, I was rewarded with some of the most beautiful sceneries and views of this trip, so I was very glad I took this route.
Usually, I always looked forward to reach my set goal for the day, but today the frequent road markers indicating the remaining distance to Constanta made me feel a bit sad today - as this is my final destination of this cycle trip.
I had already been warned that the road between Murfatlar and Constanta was bad - and had been recommended to take the train instead. But after cycling every centimeter of this trip, by pride would not allow me to take a shortcut for the last remaining 21 kilometers. I am not sure that I would take this decision again, as this stretch was by far the most dangerous one of the two month I had been on the road. There were cars going over 100 km/h and passing very closely. At one point - where the highway crossed underneath the freeway, and there was no shoulder at all. I was even attacked by three stray dogs who came at me out of nowhere. With the cars passing by very fast and very closely, I had no way of defending myself and could just accelerate a little bit more. Fortunately, the dogs were eventually scared off by some car. Man, this got my heart and adrenaline pumping. Also cycling through the Constanta traffic was pretty bad. So I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone else. I don’t want to imagine how close the cars would have passed without my red and white defence stick.
Eventually I made it to the room I had booked in the Casa cu Fluturi nearby the beach. The apartment and the host was really nice and helpful.
I was pretty exhausted and relieved, did my laundry and had dinner at a restaurant in the old town.

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