EV7: Day 17: Göteborg to Bua
Today we left Göteborg and started riding the Kattegattleden. The weather started out rainy, gray and with headwind, but we decided to hit the road anyway - a bit later than usual. And we were so glad we did, it turned into a beautiful sunny day later. Finally.
The Kattegattleden is one of the best-developed cycle routes we’ve ridden. The signage is really good, so you don’t need to look at the maps on your phone constantly. And the landscape is again really scenic.
We rode until we reached the little town of Bua, bought some dinner at a Supermarket and had a shower at the local guest harbor. The shelter we had read about on the web (but wasn’t on any map online) was next to a running track on a hill above the village, pretty close to a residential area.

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